Exactly how far would you go to avoid bankruptcy? Would you change your phone number? Move out of state? Flee to another country?
How about faking your own death?
The Story of Marie Adney
Alright, we're going to preface this story by admitting that Marie Adney didn't actually kill herself to absolve herself of bankruptcy debt. What she did do, on the other hand, was a bit more creative and admittedly a bit humorous at the same time.
Marie Adney, a French citizen, had decided to launch a small boutique gallery in the tiny town of Bourges, France. After putting herself into serious debt she spent just over two years attempting to make her business soar. After seeing no results, and with her pile of bills growing each month, Adney decided she needed to take serious action.
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Lying to Your Creditors is Bad
With more debt than she could handle and a very minimal amount of actual income entering her bank accounts, Marie Adney decided to craft a story. She wrote a letter, placing it on fake letterhead from a far-removed hospital in the French Alps, and told her creditors and family that she had been in a very serious climbing accident. She would not, she advised, be able to repay any of her debts for at least another year.
The story actually paid off - in the beginning, anyway. Most of the lenders felt bad for her and placed her accounts on hold, or in forbearance. Adney was temporarily relieved of her financial responsibilities.
The problem? The hospital was fake. The letterhead was fake. Oh - and the accident was fake. What could possibly be worse? Someone actually cared enough to check up on Marie Adney and found out that the entire situation was a ruse.
Banruptcy or Prison Time
Marie Adney is currently sitting in a French prison. She is awaiting her trial for corruption charges. Believe it or not, though, Marie Adney isn't in this boat alone. Hundreds of desperate individuals around the world have attempted to concoct stories to get themselves out of debt in order to avoid repayment or finding themselves forced into bankruptcy.
Truth be told, even if she had been in an accident, Ms. Adney (and those like her in similar situations) would have eventually had to address her creditors and begin repaying her debts. The only way to get away from a debt is after death - and even then your estate will still be responsible for your bills.
The best course of action, of course, is to be proactive - perhaps in a more positive, legal manner. Instead of faking an injury you should call a local bankruptcy attorney for help with your financial situation. He'll be able to help you find the best course of action while keeping you on the straight and narrow path.
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